
How to Build a Fire Pit

Building a fire pit is not an easy or simple task. Those with good masonry skills will find this DIY project less challenging than most others. The results of building your own fire pit is more positively rewarding than anything else, effort and time that needs to be put into the project are worth the rewarding end. The cost to build a fire pit is fairly reasonable and will cost approximately 500 US dollars.


  • 12×12 stackable stones that can be interlocked
  • Sand
  • Nails
  • String
  • Pea gravel
  • Concrete pavers or stones
  • Stake


  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • Spray paint, flour, or chalk


  1. An area with a great ambiance is desirable for the placement of a fire pit, but before you choose an attractive location, ensure the area is also safe. Avoid areas obstructed by trees and electrical wiring; make sure there are no underground pipes either. Choose an area that is far from buildings and neighbouring houses and ensure it is a flat surface, or only slightly sloped.
  2. After the site has been selected, the construction of the fire pit can begin. Secure a piece of string around the stake; connect it to a nail and place it 2 feet away. Use the spray paint, chalk, or flour to mark a circle shape around the stake.
  3. Keeping the edges straight, dig a hole about 1 foot deep. After reaching a foot, dig a second hole inside it making it 6”x6” and a foot deep; scuff out the bottom of this hole and throw in 4 inches of gravel. Ensure both the inner and outer holes are filled.
  4. Add more gravel to either side to balance an uneven surface; the gravel will also facilitate water drainage.
  5. Add sand to prevent the fire from getting to the lower levels.
  6. Put at least two rows of concrete pavers around the pit in a dry stack. Try to avoid using glue as it will only fuse them, causing them to melt and release potentially dangerous chemical elements.

Tips and warnings

  • Consult the city ordinances and fire bureau for rules and regulations concerning the construction of a personal fire pit. Do this before starting the construction of the fire pit to be free from legal troubles. If your region specifies that fire pits should not be constructed, then abide by them and abandon your fire pit building plans.
  • Keep a 5-gallon bucket of water on hand for when the fire has been lit. If the fire becomes too large, you can put it easily with the available water.
  • Stone can be used as an alternative to concrete pavers; however, do not utilize river stones or stones that come from any other body of water. If wet stones are used, the water will change to steam when it reaches hot temperatures, and cause the stones to explode. An explosion of this sort is extremely dangerous and can cause injuries.
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