
How to Build a Boat

While the construction of your own boat is a challenge; if you meet it, the reward is the undying satisfaction of a self-made life afloat. It is an amazing dream. Build a boat in the winter and spend all summer sailing around the lake “showboating” with your friends. Building your own boat is very much fun and it should not be considered that difficult…..that is if you have the right tools.

Required tools

  • A building plan for the type of boat that you want (prepared by noted experts who have been commissioned to supply detailed drawings for amateur builders).
  • Plywood or Cypress or Georgia Pine or White Pine
  • Circular saw, jig saw, skill saw, and Plane
  • Nails
  • Fiberglass tape
  • Duct tape
  • Paint
  • Varnish
  • Clean and well-lit work area
  • Patience


  1. Lay out the measurements for the parts of the boat according to the plans on the plywood
  2. Cut out the pieces slightly oversized with the saw.
  3. Neatly trim the pieces to size and to each other with a small hand plane.
  4. Assemble according to the instructions on your plans.
  5. Be sure all parts are secure by using nails, tapes, and glues where appropriate.
  6. Allow the boat to dry completely.
  7. Next, use epoxy to seal the boat. Start with the inside and then after it has dried move on to the outside. This will keep your boat from leaking.
  8. Paint the boat your desired color with waterproof paint and allow it to dry thoroughly.
  9. Ensure that you follow the boat plans precisely as a simple detour may result in you endangering your life and that of others.
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